
Lydian Chiropractic has been an incredible resource for me. The doctors there provide me with exceptional care and healing, and they teach me about my patterns of injury and illness so that I can also take better care of myself. I have utmost respect for the doctors' wisdom, skill, and care and have come to trust their treatments to help me feel better whenever I need to return.
- Marcie O.
The practitioners at Lydian Chiropractic have been an essential part of my family's healing from various injuries big and small over the last decade. Their unique and gentle method is favored especially by the kids who happily come to the sessions. Positive attitude and vibe all around in this nice place, including from the front desk. Highly recommended.
- Dan J.
All of the chiropractors at Lydian Chiropractic are fantastic! Their pain-free method, warm demeanor, and thorough examinations have helped me heal from illnesses and injuries - both big and small - for years. I am pretty accident-prone, and they put me all the way back together every time! I'm so grateful for the structural integrity they have helped me build and maintain, and the immune system support they have offered. If you are ready for cutting-edge, pain-free, and long-lasting help for your body - check them out!
- Shani F.
Lydian Chiropractic has been nothing less than amazing. They have a way of understanding the body and getting to the root cause of the issue... I've never encountered anything like it. I can confidently say that the experience at Lydian has been and continues to be life changing for my family and our health.
- Andria B.

Joy DelGiudice, CEnK2
Energy Kinesiology
I have worked with Joy for the last 6-7 years. When I went to see her, I was in a dark time in my life. I was struggling with addiction, and I was stuck in a toxic relationship. She helped me find strength and a sense of self. I am now sober and in a healthy, loving relationship. Joy's work was one of the many tools that made this change possible. You really have to work with Joy to believe it. The first time I met her, she was able to see and feel things about me and my life simply by tapping into my energy. She could see the wounds throughout my life that had caused me to get stuck in self-defeating and self-destructive patterns of behavior. She helped me clear these blocks and make room for new, creative, self-affirming energy. I also went on a transformative trip to Peru with Joy and others who worked with her. The trip was amazing, and we got to work with local shamans for a truly spiritual experience. There is not enough I can say about Joy. She is one in a million. I am blessed to have been able to work with her!
- Chris W.
Joy offers me some of the most profound and effective healing I've ever had. She developed the method she calls Somatic Emotional Acupressure after decades of training in fields as diverse as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (yeah, like the psychologist in The Bourne Identity), Energy Kinesiology, visionary shamanic apprenticeship, and a host of other pursuits. At first it was hard for me to understand and accept that I could heal physically, mentally and spiritually from her very subtle methods, especially coming from a scientifically trained background. But I did. In fact, her simple treatments affect things as basic as my breathing, standing, and anxiety. Her treatment can remove illnesses by identifying my attachment to them, and then helping me remove these unhelpful attachments (or scripts). Her methods are very gentle, and Joy is a kind person.
- Tara M.
When I came to the Lydian Center, I was dealing with injury coupled with emotional trauma. Before the chiropractors began their work they suggested that I receive treatment from Joy first. Resolving the trauma would allow my body to accept and process the chiropractic treatments more easily. Joy’s work has helped me to resolve and move past traumas that happened to me as an adult, as well as childhood emotional responses that I’d internalized unconsciously. Her skill, insights, and compassion have helped me to approach life with less fear and more personal agency.
- Julie S.